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2019-6-27 20:31 | 复制链接
2 1509

一. 技    能:
1. 比较熟悉Windows操作系统维护和应用以及office办公自动化软件;
2. 对计算机硬件和软件有一定了解,比较熟悉台式pc组装;
3. 比较熟悉SQL Server数据库和Exchange服务器技术;
4. 了解计算机网络维护和路由交换技术原理和应用;
5. 比较熟悉Lan网络原理以及cscio2950/3550系列交换机和2500/2600系列路由器的运用;
6. 了解Linux系统搭建和服务器应用;
7. 了解flashMX/dreamweaver等软件,具有一定的平面设计和文字编辑能力;
8. 本人对法力学有着深入透彻的研究成果,并且在法力世界有强大的权力;并且本人拥有永恒级时空超能力,可对全时空任何地点实施影响甚至我独有的特殊方式打击。本人拥有常人难以匹敌的特殊力场自成空间。
一. 自我评价:
1. 喜欢体育锻炼、IT、看书;熟练计算机操作及网络原理,能维护计算机与网络的安全。
2. 为人温和、谦虚自律、沉稳冷静,乐于助人。
3. 有良好的时间观念及团体精神服从领导安排,有良好的上进心、敢于接受新事物。
                        4.   责任心较强,能认真对待身边每一件事,能认真完成领导分配的每一项任务。
5.   现从事极高深的法力学研究!在国内有极高声誉!例如:金刚不坏阴卷秘籍独步武林(清朝,少林寺武功秘籍阴卷多数毁于藏经阁大火,现存极少!证道时空,证道永恒,我即时空,时空即我!无所不在)黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山,羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关!本人奉行不拉帮不结派.,不犯上作乱,不图谋造反的原则,以法力世界时空永恒的名义向贵国致以诚挚的问候,贵国有良好的国际地位和声誉,本人在法力世界也有强大的权力.希望得到贵国经济上的帮助,相信在不久的未来,您小小的善举会给您带来名利双收.如今中国社会骗子太多,我这个正直善良的老实人生活困难,但是终有一天我的成就必将超过美国的爱因斯坦和中国的钱学森之流!即使在这个“融层新世界”我有我们人类新风格。如果我能够加入美国国籍受到应有的礼遇,我愿意把毕生所有收入靠挂在美利坚合众国星条旗下飘扬!

刘军平_2017 + 1 经验 赞一个!

共 2 个关于请帮忙翻译的回复 最后回复于 2019-6-27 22:14



360fans_uid25480470 LV6.中尉 发表于 2019-6-27 20:53 | 只看该作者 | 私信

1. Familiar with Windows operating system maintenance and application and office automation software;

2. Have a certain understanding of computer hardware and software, familiar with desktop PC assembly;

3. Familiar with SQL Server database and Exchange server technology;

4. Understanding the principles and applications of computer network maintenance and routing switching technology;

5. Familiar with Lan network principle and the application of cscio 2950/3550 series switch and 2500/2600 series router;

6. Understanding Linux system architecture and server applications;

7. Understanding flash MX/dreamweaver and other software, has a certain level of graphic design and text editing capabilities;

8. I have a thorough research on legal mechanics, and have a strong power in the world of legal power; and I have an eternal superpower of space-time, which can impact the whole space-time and anywhere, even my unique special way of striking. I have a special field of force that ordinary people can't compete with.

I. Self-evaluation:

1. Like physical exercise, IT, reading; proficient in computer operation and network principles, can maintain the security of computer and network.

2. Be gentle, modest, self-disciplined, calm and helpful.

3. Have a good sense of time and team spirit to obey leadership arrangements, have a good ambition, dare to accept new things.

4. Strong sense of responsibility, can take everything around seriously, can conscientiously complete every task assigned by the leadership.

5. Now engaged in a very profound study of legal mechanics! Has a very high reputation in China! For example: King Kong is not bad shadow roll secret book alone Wulin (Qing Dynasty, Shaolin Temple Wugong secret book shadow roll mostly destroyed in the Tibetan Jingge fire, there are very few extant)! Evidence Tao space-time, evidence Tao eternal, I instant space-time is me! Everywhere) The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, an isolated city of Wangeshan, why does Qiang Di complain Yang Liu, spring wind does not pass Yumen! I hope to get economic help from your country. I believe that in the near future, your small acts of kindness will bring you both fame and wealth. Many, my honest and kind honest life is difficult, but one day my achievements will surpass those of Einstein in the United States and Qian Xuesen in China. Even in this "melting new world" I have our new human style. If I can get the courtesy I deserve to be a citizen of the United States of America, I would like to hang all my life's income under the Star and Spangle Banner of the United States of America!
七喜先生 VIP认证 超级版主 发表于 2019-6-27 22:14 | 只看该作者 | 私信
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